Common Errors and Potential Fixes when Replying or Hiding Comments

In social media management, replying to or hiding comments is essential to engage with your audience. However, errors can occur when using social media APIs to manage comments. Here are some common errors that can occur when replying to or hiding comments, along with potential fixes.

If you need more information or have questions about an error you are receiving, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager.

"This API call does not support the requested response format","type":"OAuthException","code":20,"error_subcode":1772107,"is_transient":false,"error_user_title":"Instagram Comment Not Added","error_user_msg":"Your Instagram comment was not added"


Based on the error message you received, it's possible that Instagram's automated systems have flagged your reply as spam. To prevent users from circumventing their rules, Instagram doesn't provide further details on this issue.

To help you successfully reply, we suggest the following steps:

  • Avoid using the same reply for multiple comments, as this may be considered an "automated" response.

  • Refrain from using overly short replies or responding solely with emojis.

  • Consider using our Saved Replies feature to help you respond quickly and easily while maintaining authenticity.

This error can also occur when attempting to respond to an Instagram Ad, but the associated Instagram account does not exist (the social profile will be showing as 'undefined'). Instagram Ads can be created using a Facebook account, meaning an Instagram account is not always required. However, if the Instagram account linked to the ad does not exist, there won't be any account to respond from, and you won't be able to reply.

Unsupported get request. Object with ID '{id}' does not exist, cannot be loaded due to missing permissions, or does not support this operation.


  • You may not have provided all the permissions we need to hide/reply on your behalf. Check this article to ensure you have all the right permissions on the platform side, and log in again on My Accounts > Assets > Add Assets.

  • It can also happen that the comment is deleted on the social platform. Try clicking 'Go to comment' under the three dots to check natively

  • This error can also be caused by audience restrictions on the post that prevent us from publishing your comment. To resolve this issue, we recommend you ensure that the post you're trying to comment on is not restricted to a specific audience. You can also try commenting on a different post to see if the issue persists.

(#100) This app does not have the required permission for this endpoint

Permissions error | The user does not have the permission for this action.


  • You may not have provided all the permissions we need to hide/reply on your behalf. Check this article to ensure you have all the right permissions on the platform side, and log in again on My Accounts > Assets > Add Assets.

An unexpected error has occurred. Please retry your request later.


The recommendation is to wait and try again later.

(#100) The action is invalid since it's not the thread owner

There may be several reasons why this is happening. A common one is that you're using multiple apps and you have selected another app as the primary receiver for handover protocol, which means they have exclusivity over that thread.


Go to Settings - Advanced Messaging - App Settings and click Configure next to Messenger receiver and Instagram receiver. Check if you have selected any other primary receiver for the handover protocol and remove that app or make BrandBastion Platform the primary receiver.

code: 1705, message: (#1705) There was an error posting to this wall [HTTP 400]

The error indicates a problem with posting to nested comments on Facebook. This suggests that the request to post comments on second and third-level threads isn't being processed correctly.


Currently, this issue appears to be a temporary limitation or bug on Facebook's API side, as it has been reported by multiple developers. We’re awaiting a response from Facebook for a resolution, and unfortunately, there isn't a solution for this error at the moment.

{"message":"This API call does not support the requested response format","type":"OAuthException","code":20,"error_subcode":1772107,"is_transient":false,"error_user_title"}

Due to the API restrictions, it's not possible to reply to ad comments on PBIA posts. Since there's no real Instagram account to reply from, you can't reply to these comments.


Run your ads through actual pages instead of page-backed Instagram accounts.

What are Page-Backed Instagram Accounts? Page-backed Instagram Accounts (PBIAs) are "shadow" Instagram accounts created for the sole purpose of running ads on Instagram - brands use these when they want to run ads on Instagram, but they don't have an Instagram account.

How can you identify if a comment was made on a Page-Backed Instagram Account? The account name will show something like @brand8 or @brand121 instead of just "@brand" OR the account name will show as ""undefined pure ad" instead of the account name. And if you go to the Instagram post natively, you will see that the username is greyed out and unclickable.