Creating your first notification

The Notification module allows you to set and edit email notices about keyword mentions, changes in sentiment, among others. BrandBastion’s notifications are automated and based on your setup in the platform

You can use BrandBastion to set up notifications for keyword mention or spike in negative sentiment, or combine different filters to find the best notification to guide your actions.

You can start with our templates or create a custom notification. To create your notification you should complete two steps.  

Step 1 - Choose a template or a custom notification

We recommend creating your first notification using one of the available templates. You can learn more about each template below.

  • High Volume of Negative Comments

Use this notification to notify you when your posts are receiving an abnormal number of negative comments within a specified time. We recommend you create a notification for each campaign or asset, so you can easily see what’s not resonating.

By default, you’ll be notified when more than 20 negative comments are published within one hour. You can change the number of comments according to the volumes your brand usually receives.

  • Customer Service Keywords

Use this notification to notify you when your posts receive customer service keywords, indicating a customer service issue or request. We added some keywords to help you get started (“customer service, customer support, order, return, ship, shipping, delay, waiting, refund”), but you can always add more keywords specific to your brand’s needs.

By default, you’ll be notified every time you receive one comment that includes one of these keywords. 

  • Link Problems Keywords

Use this notification to notify you when your posts receive a keyword indicating a link issue. We added some keywords to help you get started (“link is broken, link not working, link doesn't work, link does not work, broken link, broke link, 404 error, link error, fix link, URL error, page error, link problem, URL problem, Link is not working, URL is broken, page is not working, not loading”), but you can always add more keywords, specific to your brand’s needs.

By default, you’ll be notified every time you receive one comment that includes one of these keywords. 

  • Typo Issues Keywords

Use this notification to notify you when your posts receive a keyword indicating a typo issue. We added some keywords to help you get started (“typo, gaffe, misspelled, wrong spelling, spelling error, orthographical error, spelling, miscopy, not how you write, word mistake”), but you can always add more keywords specific to your brand’s needs.

By default, you’ll be notified every time you receive one comment that includes one of these keywords. 

Step 1: Choose what you want to track

Choose what you want to track (sentiment, keywords, languages) and where you want to cover it (platform, organic/paid, assets, campaigns, etc).

You can create a notification for all covered assets you select specific pages, or campaigns to organize your notifications.  

Step 2: Choose the notification triggers

Choose when you want to receive a notification