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How to Grant BrandBastion Access to Accounts via BM

Before You Begin
  • You must have full control of the Business Account.

Step 1: Access Business Settings

  • Under the first column, click Add - Give a partner access to your assets.

Step 2: Add BrandBastion's ID

Enter your BrandBastion's business ID.

Step 3: Select BrandBastion from the Partner's list

Select BrandBastion and then click "Share assets"

Step 4: Select Your Facebook Pages & Access Level

For Facebook Organic Pages - choose Partial access (business tools and Facebook)

  • Content, Messages, Community activity, Ads, Insights

We need the content permission to monitor visitor posts on your Facebook pages.

Step 5: Select your Ad Accounts & Access Level

Choose the ad accounts you’d like to include and select the “Manage campaigns” permission on the right.

Save changes, and it's done!